Over the Summer, new updates and guidance has come out which schools are advised to note and ensure have been addressed. We have reviewed the recent changes in guidance and legislation and below are some key things to check at the start of the new academic year.
Ensure your policy has been updated to reflect the new wording changes in the Prevent guidance. There has been a shift in the Prevent duty that the ideological causes of terrorism should be addressed, as well as the prominence of ensuring that schools are not a “permissive environment” for radicalisation and terrorism.
Schools are also advised to review your digital technology standards, with the new guidance recognising that pupils are more engaged in a digital world than ever before, including greater access, with the guidance now noting that terrorists “are not typically organised into formal groups…but informal online communities”.
With the recent Far-Right riots, schools may want to include this in to staff training as well as your PSHE curriculum lessons.
The new Working Together to Improve School Attendance guidance came into effect in August, despite being published back in February. The new guidance has been updated to reflect recent legislative changes including:
The new guidance also introduces a national framework for penalty notices and renames “parenting contracts” as “attendance contracts”.
Alternative Provisions
Additional clarity has been provided in the most recent KCSIE, 2024 section on ‘Alternative Provision’. This confirms that the school continues to be responsible for the safeguarding of pupils placed in alternative provision and should be satisfied that the placement meets the pupil’s needs.
The guidance did not update this section, but has identified that it is under review. The KCSIE 2024 states schools should take a cautious approach, as there remain many unknowns, factors and vulnerabilities to consider in this area.
In December 2023 a consultation was launched on draft guidance to support schools, colleges, teachers and leaders. The KCSIE 2024, has also drawn from the CASS review, regarding clinical help and advice. The key points from the KCSIE 2024 around gender-questioning pupils include:
For additional information you can visit the external sites including the Trans and Non-binary Education network.
If your school would like support in reviewing its safeguarding procedures, TT Education provides comprehensive safeguarding compliance reviews for schools and Academy Trusts, including Central Trust Reviews. Contact us for more details at TT Education or visit our services page.