The Grange Primary Academy: a one-form entry academy in Kettering. Levels of children with EAL are average. Levels of disadvantaged children receiving PP are high.
The Grange Primary Academy contacted us to request information as to how we could support them with improving the quality of writing provision across the school.
We implemented a package of bespoke training and consultancy to support the subject leader, key senior leaders and teaching staff with reviewing, developing and implementing their writing vision.
At the beginning of our work with The Grange, we conducted a writing perception survey amongst its pupils, to see how pupils felt about their learning in writing. The National Literacy Trust’s research tells us that “writing enjoyment is connected to writing behaviour, confidence, motivation and attainment” so we felt that an analysis of pupils’ attitudes towards writing would be telling. In this initial survey, only 42% of pupils claimed to enjoy writing.
We worked with The Grange for twelve months, reviewing their writing curriculum, introducing them to the Path to Success and supporting their teachers with implementing gamification techniques across the school.
Ten months into the programme, we redid the pupil perception survey. On this second survey, we were delighted to find that 89% of pupils said that they were now enjoying their writing.
At the end of their initial package with us, The Grange chose to join our exclusive School Improvement Club to benefit from ongoing development and support.
“The Path to Success has underpinned our new writing journey and has been received enthusiastically by both staff and children. Engagement in class is evident and children are enjoying sharing their work. David and his team have provided high quality CPD, staff training and a twilight session. Both have been received incredibly well and have impacted all who attended. These, coupled with the coaching sessions, have provided staff with clear direction and purpose for their lessons.”
Zena Lauer, Assistant Headteacher, Grange Primary Academy