Bedford Road Primary School: a two-form entry primary school in Kempston. Bedford Road has a slightly higher than average number of children with EAL and a slightly lower than average number of children who are eligible for PP or who have SEND.
After being judged by Ofsted as RI, Bedford Road reacted quickly to implement a number of improvement measures. This is where TT Education came in: we were contacted by the Headteacher to come and support the school with implementing the measures necessary to support the school in its journey to Good.
After meetings with the school leadership team, who were enthusiastic and had – by Ofsted’s own admission – a strong capacity for improvement, we agreed a series of project objectives:
Our School Improvement Partner, Helen Coleman, conducted learning walks, book looks, whole-staff INSETs, consultancy days with specific subject leaders and a series of twilights on layered approaches to curriculum planning. She then went on to do some strategic leadership work. Indeed, when the initial programme of support ended, Bedford Road invited Helen back to conduct a further review of EYFS provision.
After the programme, Bedford Road Primary School subject leaders all have a strategic vision for their subjects, which are being implemented across the school with the support of TT Education’s Progression Guides. They have also joined our School Improvement Club, in order to receive ongoing support and training.
“Training I wish I had received years ago! Helen was able to support all the team to reflect succinctly and impact fully on their subject areas. Using the concept of ‘why?’ Each subject leader was able to articulate why their subject area was important for every child and how to make key improvements to teaching and learning across the school. A true masterclass in subject leader training!”
Cheryl Williams, Deputy Headteacher, Bedford Road Primary School