Ofsted Changes 2024 – 2025: what you need to know 

10 September 2024
Kerry Hill

Schools return this week to the news that immediate changes have been made to the inspection framework and inspection process and that we are now in a transition period, towards a new Ofsted Framework and the introduction of ‘report cards’ in September 2025. 

The changes being implemented follow the ‘Big Listen’ consultation and on-going discussions with the sector and unions. The current Inspection Framework remains in place for this academic year, with some immediate changes. So, what does this mean for schools and school leaders? 

Immediate Changes 

When are things happening? 

What can we expect in the future? 

Whilst nothing has been formally agreed, Ofsted and Sir Martyn have made clear the direction they indeed to take and given suggestions of these including: 

Currently, leaders and schools will continue to prepare as you have been, under the current Framework, recognising the changes outlined above whilst we are in this transition period. More information is to be shared, across the 2024-2025 academic year, so schools can prepare for the new Ofsted landscape. For information on the support available from TT Education, please contact us directly or visit the website