Where Did the Data Go?

19 May 2023
Kerry Hill

Primary School Accountability in 2023

If you have used the Compare-School-Performance website recently, you may have noticed that the 2022 progress figures have disappeared. These were uploaded a few months ago (albeit with a big warning not to use them too much), after years of having to rely on the 2019 data that predated the pandemic.

Why the 2022 data has disappeared has now become apparent, with the government publishing Primary school accountability in 2022: a technical guide. This makes it clear that, years on, we are still feeling the impact of Covid on assessments and school accountability.

Much of the document confirms what we already knew, but it is useful to have it all in one officially-endorsed place. Some key points are:

From an academy trust perspective, the document reiterates the government’s wish to produce the KS2 MAT performance measures. However:

The 2021-2022 data for schools and MATs may be available, but the government is keen for us to be cautious about how we use it:

KS2 progress is calculated using a KS1 baseline, but those baselines did not take place in 2020 and 2021. This means there is currently no firm plan to publish progress measures for those cohorts when they finish KS2 (which is this summer and next summer). The government says it will

explore… alternative options for producing primary progress measures in the affected years, and will announce our approach in due course.

The document’s remaining pages explain how the measures and calculations are made, including for instance: